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About Dyadic Research Impacts

Profile and Experience

Who We Are

Dyadic Research Impacts is a leading independent consultancy, research and evaluation center. Dyadic conducts dynamic research and analysis of a wide range of issues related to development, international aid, NGOs, markets and the state. Since its inception, Dyadic has completed a wide array of research projects, building its reputation for generating high-quality evidence of what works in development practice. Dyadic researches are intellectually stimulating and effective for the development practitioners and policy reformers. Commitment to apply academic skills and creativity to real-world challenges is at the heart of Dyadic’s agenda.

Dyadic’s team of researchers come from diverse academic backgrounds, with qualifications and experience from some of the world’s best research institutions. In the context of developing countries like Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh and Tanzania among others Dyadic offers the rare combination of academicians with high excellence and a group of exceedingly trained field researchers with expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research methods, tools and techniques. Along with the expertise, the field researchers have in-depth knowledge of complex social dynamics of developing countries including Kenya, Tanzania and Bangladesh which enable them to extract quality data from the field whereas the first group analyze the data through theoretical lens and posit it in the arena of development debate and policy formulation.



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Capacity and Strength in Research

Dyadic, since its inception, has been focusing on “Data Quality” and “Quality Research” as its principal purpose. Dyadic’s ability has been proved in every aspect of research. In order to find out suitable solutions to development problems and to discover the ways of incorporating (socio-economic) innovation, practical experience and lesson learnt of any intervention, research is essential. Therefore, Dyadic puts a great emphasis in designing and conducting excellent research. In research, the key capacity and strength of Dyadic is the diversified team composition, which reflects a great amalgam of quantitative and qualitative experts. Leading researchers of Dyadic have extensive research experience worldwide. The combination of different scholars from different academic backgrounds makes it possible for Dyadic to capture both the quantitative analysis and qualitative interpretation of socio-economic aspects of East Africa and South Asia, and to do the international comparison as necessary.

Dyadic’s well-trained field researchers and data collectors also extend the capacity of conducting quality research. Trained in various fields of development (i.e., Sociology, Anthropology, Development Studies, Public Administration, Statistics, Applied Economics etc.), the field researchers of Dyadic put an extra emphasis on extracting all possible aspects of the research. This team composition is a key strength of the firm to get things completed maintaining quality of the task.

Dyadic applies robust quantitative tools for counterfactual analysis, including Randomized Control Trials (RCT) and Propensity Score Matching (PSM), to determine the efficacy of a program or policy. Dyadic has established itself as an expert both in Ex Post and Ex Ante impact evaluations. Dyadic also offers sophisticated qualitative and participatory methods, including Qualitative Longitudinal Research (QLR), Process Documentation Research (PDR) and Ethnography and Participatory Impact Assessment (PIA), to systematically assess our central question- ‘what works for whom and under what conditions?’. Two groups of highly trained and dedicated enumerators and anthropologists work for Dyadic to collect numerical and qualitative data. Human problems, and the intricacies of development practice, are complex phenomena. Thus, Dyadic takes an inclusive, multidisciplinary and mixed method approach to understand the complex social dynamics of research problems.

Another special feature of Dyadic is its use of technology to ensure the quality of data collection. One of the tools Dyadic uses is Open Data Kit (ODK) platform and handheld electronic tablets (smart) to administer survey. Dyadic’s in-house team is capable of designing survey software from questionnaires. The team is well-versed in applying complex algorithms for creating interactive process of checking data validity. Moreover, using mobile data transfer systems, the analysts are able to check the data real-time and provide feedback. Although this process takes additional time upfront before launching census fieldwork, the advantages are manifolds such as – reduce overall time required for data entry, improve data quality and facilitate greater accountability of any data error.

Sectors and Locations

Dyadic has been involved in some key strategic research projects and contributed in vast range of commissioned projects as well. Climate change, urban poverty, governance, refugees, legal aid, informal justice mechanisms, violence against women, child rights and protection, community policing, social accountability, migration, food security, education, women’s empowerment and community based development are some of the topics of our previous research work.

During the last eight years, Dyadic’s field researchers have travelled the length and breadth of the four countries where we focused our work – Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Bangladesh. Dyadic is capable of conducting studies ranging from large scale surveys. In Kenya, we conducted the midline survey for a study assessing technology adoption among small holder banana farmers and which covered over 4,700 farm households. We have recently completed an endline evaluation of a DfID supported project (Girls Education Challenge, GEC) in Tanzania that involved combining panel data analysis of over 3,000 adolescents with qualitative process evaluation. In Uganda, Dyadic has conducted training on issues around land reform. Since sharing knowledge on research skills is one of the core visions of Dyadic, our researchers work with local partner organizations not only in collecting data, but also providing institutional training.
